What I Watched, What You Watched: Installment #78

I watched six movies this week, but of the bunch I’m only going to tell you about one here. One of them was Criterion’s Blu-ray of Broadcast News, which I’ve already started working on my review, I also watched Cedar Rapids and The Eagle, but they don’t come out for a few weeks so I’ll be reviewing those at that point. I also saw The Mechanic and The Rite, but you already have my opinion of those two. So that leaves me with just one…

I can, however, tell you what is currently in my “To Watch” pile from Netflix, that includes Sam Fuller’s The Big Red One, Peter Weir’s Witness and John Huston’s Prizzi’s Honor. So if you wanted to add those to your lists we can discuss them next week, for now, here’s what else I watched…

The Steel Helmet (1951)

So that does it for me. Any of you check out any films in theaters this week? Anyone catch up on some of the Oscar contenders? I ask only because on Monday I am going to be opening the floor to the RopeofSilicon readers to determine the best films of 2010. If you aren’t aware of what I’m talking about, you can click here to check out last year’s results.

You will be picking ten films from a list of 247, so I hope you’ve been watching a lot!

Movie News
Marvel and DC