If You Had a Ballot: What Oscar Nomination Surprises Would You Offer?

I’m happy to see people weighing in with their thoughts on my pre-Oscar nomination predictions and offering up thoughts on where they believe I have gone wrong. However, along with who we think will be nominated there is always that hope as to what films, actors, filmmakers, etc. we would like to see get nominated even though we probably know they won’t.

Now realize this is where you buck the system. This is where you look down your list of top ten films of 2010 and see those films that you loved that you know the Academy most likely will not be recognizing on Tuesday morning. For instance, while I don’t think the Academy will be nominating Another Year for Best Picture it wouldn’t surprise me if they did. However, it would blow me away if Scott Pilgrim vs. the World were to get one of the ten Best Picture slots.

I’d also love to see Sally Hawkins get a Best Actress nomination for Made in Dagenham and Peter Wight get a Supporting Actor nomination for Another Year. In the Supporting Actress category I’d love to see Chloe Moretz (Kick-Ass) and Michelle Williams (Shutter Island) get nominations. In the director category Mike Leigh (Another Year) and Debra Granik (Winter’s Bone) are certainly worthy.

So be sure to look at it that way, and remember we’re not talking wins, we’re merely talking nominations. Have at it in the comments below and remember there is no film not worthy of this discussion.

I will be here tomorrow morning, bright and early with the nominations where I don’t expect to hear any of the names I mentioned above, but will hopefully hear a few surprises.

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