Box-Office Oracle: Jan. 7 – Jan. 9, 2011

The last film to win three weekends in a row? Inception. I’ve met Inception, partied with Inception, and debated Inception on the meaning of life. Little Fockers? You’re no Inception. So I’ve got to predict against you, one last time, with feeling. Who is with me?
Laremy predicted the #1 movie correctly 0 Weeks In A Row
The budget here was a more concerning $100m, but this one will cross $200m in worldwide cume this weekend so the outlook isn’t exactly dire. Does that mean we’re looking at a Look Who’s Little Fockering Now sort of situation? Probably.
Prediction: $14.666 million
I saw a clip of this last night and was appalled. It looks just tuuuurrrrible. But we’re all aware of that, because it’s been delayed in a very big way. Still, I’m anxious to hear what you guys think of it … if you dare. I know Brad is daring in only a few hours…
Prediction: $11.264 million
$170m budget. Which leads me to ask “Where’s the frickin’ money at Lebowski??”
Prediction: $10.58 million
An absolutely bonkers viewing experience. Brad is gonna murder it, but I think I might go with a B-, if only because I couldn’t predict or understand any of what was happening on screen.
Prediction: $7.12 million
Gaining 58 theaters this weekend. Quality is job one for those fine establishments.
Prediction: $6.735 million
Should do well once extra the special three disc Blu-ray hits shelves, especially if they can get Russell to yell at people on the commentary!
Prediction: $6.487 million
Do we want to see another Narnia? I think I’m around 60/40 in favor at this point.
Prediction: $6.361 million
This movie is a money maker. Aronofsky gets topline talent on the cheap, which makes him invaluable to the studio system.
Prediction: $6.069 million
Seven weekends in the top ten is exactly three more than The Princess and the Frog managed. Result!
Prediction: $6.062 million

That’s all I’ve got. How say you? Do you take Fockers to three-peat (H/T Pat Riley)? Or will new (old Western) blood triumph? And how about those newcomers? Comment early, comment often.

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