NEW PICS: ‘Ben Button’, ‘Underworld 3’, ‘The Reader’, ‘Wrestler’, ‘Wolverine’ and More

It’s the day after Thanksgiving and I hope you all had a great bit of time off and for our international friends I hope you had an enjoyable Thursday. I don’t plan on doing a ton of updates over the course of the next three days, but I hope to bring you my review of Wendy and Lucy and of course I will have the box-office numbers Friday night and Sunday morning as normal.

While there are a couple of other stories I am working on, I am not sure if they will make it into this week or kick off the following week, but for now how about a few new images to look at. Some I am sure many of you may have already looked at and then hopefully a few you haven’t. I start it off with several I just added to RopeofSilicon over the past couple of days, followed by a few that popped up around the Net and then end it with the motion poster from Terminator Salvation as WB sent us our very own copy if you didn’t check it out after the mention in this week’s Rumor Mill Roundup.


Click on the “Next Page” link for the Terminator Salvation poster. It has audio and will play automatically, so if you are at work you may want to adjust your speakers appropriately.

Movie News
Marvel and DC