UPDATED: Complete List of ‘The Dark Knight’ Viral Sites…

UPDATED #9: Kinsly Travel has been added for 35 total sites.

UPDATED #8: The world continues to spin and two new locations have been added.

UPDATED #7: Jason has alerted us to FIVE new sites, which brings the total to 32 now!

UPDATED #6: The Gotham Police site and TrustGarcetti.com are also online for a total of 27 now.

UPDATED #5: The Gotham Police’s Major Crimes Unit site is now online for a total of 25 now.

UPDATED #4: Thanks to ‘Cryptogear’ we have added A Taste for the Theatrical for a total of 24 now.

UPDATED #3: Thanks to another Rope reader we have added one more viral site for a total of 23 now.

UPDATED #2: The April Fool’s game led to Acme Security. Check out the password site below to get in on the “fun”.

UPDATED: Thanks to ‘robert’ we have added one more viral site for a total of 20 now.

Thanks to Slash Film I am now aware of a couple of new viral websites for The Dark Knight out there. To be honest, there are so many I can’t even keep track of them all, but one of the sites we learn about today is sure to bring you something fun… tomorrow.

Yup, it appears The Joker has some plans for the Bat-fans on April Fool’s Day as a new website called ClownTravelAgency.com

is now live featuring the image you see above letting us all know that April 1 will bring… something fun?

Who really knows what it will bring, but it appears Tuesday morning will start off with some new Dark Knight goodies.

As for those Dark Knight viral sites, here’s a complete list (27 by my count so far). At least these are all the ones I could find and know about, if there are others that I am missing let me know.

  1. IBelieveinHarveyDent.com
  2. Concerned Citizens for a Better Gotham
  3. ClownTravelAgency.com
  4. TheHaHaHaTimes.com
  5. The Gotham Times
  6. MaidenAvenueReport.com
  7. GothamCableNews.com
  8. DanaWorthington.com
  9. TrustGarcetti.com
  10. CitizensforBatman.org
  11. SaintsWithunsChurch.org
  12. GVAFoundation.org
  13. GPDIAD.com
  14. GothamCab.com
  15. IBelieveinHarveyDentToo.com
  16. JosephCandoloro.com.
  17. GothamElectionBoard.com
  18. GothamCityClerk.com
  19. WhySoSerious.com
  20. RorysDeathKiss.com
  21. Gotham City Rail
  22. Acme Security Systems (Homepage)
  23. Acme Security Systems (Password Site)
  24. We Are The Answer
  25. A Taste for the Theatrical
  26. Gotham Police’s Major Crimes Unit
  27. Gotham Police
  28. Kinsly Travel
  29. Gotham City Ferries
  30. Gotham National Bank
  31. Batty’s House of Pies
  32. Rossi’s Delicatessen
  33. Gotham Intercontinental Hotel
  34. Operation Slipknot (Offshoot site of Gotham Police’s Major Crimes Unit)
  35. Kinsly Travel

Oh, and here is a link to the official site.

Thanks goes out to SuperHeroHype for the help on collecting the site list.

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