Phillips and WB Suffer a ‘Hangover’

Todd Phillips went from success with Old School, to box-office success only with Starsky & Hutch, to no success with School for Scoundrels. It now appears like Old School Dos has taken a back seat, and most likely due to the fact that the original cast wasn’t too keen on returning as Will Ferrell decided it would be better to play the same character over and over again, but Phillips’ next project may not be too shabby.

Variety is reporting that Warner Bros. has set Phillips up to direct Hangover as a potential prestrike movie.

The pic was penned by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore, and revolves around three pals who lose the groom at his Vegas bachelor party, 40 hours before the wedding. They then must retrace their inebriated bad decisions to figure out what happened.

There is definitely room for comedy with this one. Maybe Phillips can return to glory.

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