Box-Office Oracle: Apr. 27 – Apr. 29

#1 movie predicted correctly: Zero in a row
1. Next
This is a winning weekend for me and next weekend I like this film called Spider-Man 3 to take the crown. That will be three in a row (Spidey will repeat). Next is not very good but it’s the only film out there that has anyone recognizable in it. A paltry $11m will take the weekend.
Estimate: $11.2 million
You got one more weekend to cash in before the big boys roll up. Enjoy it you freaks.
Estimate: $7.7 million
Why would anyone see this? Well, the answer is that most people won’t. However, I give them some credit, at least they screened it. Yeah, we skipped it, but they did screen it.
Estimate: $7.6 million
A decent enough flick that won’t bleed too much. This sits at only $15m total right now so it need to make some money quick, like a crack addict. You notice how everything addictive is compared to crack? When you think about that fact you’ve got to figure crack is REALLY addictive.
Estimate: $7.1 million
What a dog. The only joy for these guys is that the budget is 87 cents. It can’t possibly be more. You know Jamie Kennedy is available. It’s either this or picking up old bottles for him.
Estimate: $6.5 million
I’m so proud of this little movie. The pubbed the hell out of it and it seems to have worked. Now they are going hard on the TV advertising. This weekend will show whether or not week one was the entire fan base or if they’re making new ones.
Estimate: $6.1 million
Budget: $61m Total gross: $110m. It will end up a little better than breaking even at the box office and then it will rule on DVD. Call it a tidy $50m profit for Paramount and a continued blank check for Ferrell.
Estimate: $5.9 million
I just shake my head. No stars, no ads, no press, instant death. The only people seeing this are the ones who wander in on accident. Or if there is only one theater in town, and it’s mean enough to feature this.
Estimate: $4.4 million
The budget was $19m so they can only lose so much. Kate B. has lost her fastball, Serendipity was the high point in her hotness.
Estimate: $4.1 million
Welcome to the Laremy lounge. How shocked am I that I would watch Next again before Spider-Man 3? Very. But it’s true, Jessica Biel and 90 minutes are a better time overall. Crazy world.
Estimate: $3.6 million

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