Box-Office Oracle: Mar. 30 – Apr. 1

#1 movie predicted correctly: Seven Weeks in a row
I have it slotted higher than Anchorman and lower than Talladega Nights. This weekend is a huge threat to my streak, this movie is a giant unknown. Will people respond to a cutesy figure skating spoof? That’s the $30m question.
Estimate: $32.1 million
The G rating is very helpful here. The only recent precedent for an March-April cartoon is Robots which made $9500 per screen back in 2005. There’s a look at the dart board science.
Estimate: $30.4 million
Another animation on the board, a better one too, has got to hurt them right? Plus it’s PG. I know it’s a subtle difference but word-of-mouth and the few years of age demographic difference will cut the legs out here.
Estimate: $11.9 million
4. 300
Still going strong at $165m in the US alone. It will sail past $250m overall this weekend and guarantee Zack Snyder another round of shrimp cocktail and ladies of the night.
Estimate: $11.4 million
There was a game called Star Fox back in the 90’s for Super Nintendo that I enjoyed playing, and the main fox was named “Shooter.” I know this isn’t the tenth spot so I shouldn’t being going random, but it’s really the only thing I think of when I see this title.
Estimate: $8.1 million
$125m in the US. You have to feel good that 300 beat it, even with an R rating, because it means all those stories about Americans loving crap aren’t completely accurate. Some Yanks like crap, some like good stuff. And there are more that like good stuff. That’s a small victory.
Estimate: $6.9 million
A million dollars separate the next four films. We call that a “nightmare” in the predicting business.
Estimate: $5.1 million
It won’t make anywhere near what the original made. Stop making sequels that nobody cares about you morons! Sorry, tough love is sometimes needed.
Estimate: $4.7 million
Another casualty of the movie wars, this one never found the sweet spot with the audience. Theory: If they are making too many horror films and too many animations why not try a horror animation? What could it hurt? Clearly the budgets are small enough that 50 of each are being greenlit every year.
Estimate: $4.4 million
Since I already randomized you at the #5 slot I’ll give you a real comment here. I want to be a horror producer. I’ll put up $10 million and make $25 million. It won’t matter about the story, I’ll just give some homeless guy $500 to crank something out. Good enough. Case in point: Premonition sits at $32m.
Estimate: $4.1 million

————————————————, personal ramblings and non-cogent thoughts.

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