What’s Don Cheadle Up To?

I just caught Don Cheadle in Reign Over Me tonight and suffice to say I liked it and you will too, but our official review will be coming down the pike so sit tight on that one. As for the actor’s upcoming slate beyond Reign Over Me Variety has published a nice little recap as Cheadle was just honored as ShoWest male star of the year.

The news relates to Cheadle’s production house Crescendo Productions of which he is partners with longtime managers Kay Liberman and Lenore Zerman. Moving on to what he is working on I will toss it over to Variety for the descriptions:

A biopic of jazz legend Miles Davis, on which he plans to make his feature directing debut. Nixon scribes Stephen J. Rivele and Chris Wilkinson are penning the Davis film, and Liberman and Zerman said they have secured music and life rights to the jazz legend, with whom Cheadle has long been intrigued.

Traitor, a politically charged drama that was written and will be directed by Jeff Nachmanoff. Cheadle will star as an operative embedded in a terrorist organization who becomes the target of federal agents; they fear he’s crossed the line and actually become a terrorist himself.

Quest to Ref is a comic vehicle for Cheadle, scripted by Ben Watkins and Guy Guillet. Story concerns a disenchanted lawyer who follows his life dream to become a pro basketball ref.

Peter Biegen-scripted drama Broken Adonis has Michael Apted attached to direct. Story concerns an ex-con (Cheadle) who forms an unlikely relationship with a border patrol officer and her young informant.

Cheadle continues to work with Ocean’s co-star Brad Pitt’s Plan B and Reason Pictures on Marching Powder, a fact-based story of a drug dealer who spent five years as a tour guide in the notorious San Pedro Prison in Bolivia. Cheadle will play the tour guide.

The Participant and Warner Independent documentary An Indifferent World, which is already in production. Cheadle is one of five subjects of the film who are trying to address genocide in Darfur. Ted Braun is directing and is in the Sudan shooting the film.

Cheadle will next be seen in Reign Over Me of course, but following that is Ocean’s Thirteen in June followed by Talk to Me in July. He’s a busy man and a damned good actor.

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