This here Oracle has been getting dominated. I’m going with fire breathing dragons this weekend. If a spider or a movie that can’t spell beats me I’ll be very unhappy.
#1 movie predicted correctly: Zero Weeks In A Row
1. Eragon
I have some worries here. It’s rated PG and it’s looking very kiddy like. I don’t know what that does for the adult box office. We’ll see.
Estimate: $24.2 million
What else are us old people going to see? You could do worse, trust me, check out the film listed numero tres.
Estimate: $20.4 million
No thanks! I remember the prior version so I’m sticking with that.
Estimate: $17.5 million
4. Apocalypto
My lawyer has informed me I can’t talk about this film anymore.
Estimate: $8.7 million
6. The Holiday
This will forever be the answer to the trivia question: What if you held a romantic comedy and nobody came?
Estimate: $6.5 million
I’ve got to think the Leo Globe nomination will help. Otherwise why are they handing those things out?
Estimate: $5.9 million
Remember guys, for the next one, one smoking hot chick, no love plot. Thanks.
Estimate: $5.0 million
9. Deja Vu
Enjoy your last weekend in the top ten. Next weekend Balboa knocks you out. Momma said knock you out.
Estimate: $2.7 million
You, ironically enough, will be sent packing by The Good Shepherd.
Estimate: $2.4 million