Thanks to ‘veronica’ we have learned that the boys over at LatinoReview have put up a rave review of the video game adaptation script for Splinter Cell written by Stuart Beattie. The movie will be based on the Tom Clancy story centered games that follow the adventures of government spy Sam Fisher as he’s dispatched to infiltrate an international terrorist syndicate and stop a high-tech threat. Centering on Fisher, the focus follows the spy as he gathers intelligence and breaks into enemy headquarters while attempting to avoid attracting attention.
The movie currently has no cast and no director, but it is set-up over at Paramount Pictures and if this review is any indication it won’t be long before we see it in production.
Check out a clip of the interview below and then click the link that follows to read the rest. Oh yeah, and the boys over there have their meaty hands on the script for Halo and they promise the review will be up November 9th. I will post an article linking to the review once it is up, but be sure to stay in touch with LatinoReview on the 9th, I will. Thanks again to ‘veronica’ for the heads up!
It’s a really well written cool globe trotting spy stealth adventure movie which will have Sam going on various missions to locations like Monte Carlo, Monaco – the slums of San Paolo Brazil – and Guilin China. The structure is solid and all the fans of the game won’t be disappointed. The script plays out just like the game with Fisher going on one mission to the next making key discoveries along the way. We get to see Fisher’s keen sense of stealth, agility and strength. He does that famous Jean Claude Van Damme leg split move from the game. All his gadgets and weapons are here like the subdermals (which play an important part to the plot), his silenced pistol, his silenced SC-20k to name a few. A very entertaining read which I banged out in under an hour. Beattie is a master storyteller.