‘Dirty Dancing 3’ and ‘Cocktail 2’ On the Way?

A rumor has just come in from ‘Anonymous’ with a couple of juicy tidbits concerning projects over at Buena Vista Home Entertainment.

According to our scooper the recent rash of animated films going straight to video may be slowing down a bit as they’re going to stop doing a lot of those straight to video animated films, and start spending the money and time on doing ‘live-action’ sequels.

So what are the straight-to-video sequels going to be? Well the rumor from our scooper has it that there are plans for a Dirty Dancing 3 with Swayze (something that was pre-planned with Havana), and a sequel or spin-off of Cocktail that would center on Kelly Lynch’s character. Kelly Lunch played Kerry Coughlin, the wife of Doug Coughlin, a.k.a. the creator of the Red Eye and young Flanagan’s mentor.

While these are strictly rumors and should be taken as such it is fun nonetheless to think just how excited many of you will be at the thought of another Dirty Dancing film, and while Tom Cruise is HIGHLY unlikely to be making even a name appearance in a Cocktail, direct-to-video sequel, I am sure that gets some of you excited as well.

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