Brucks Talks Rush for ‘Pirates 3’

Producer Jerry Bruckheimer is in negotiations with Captain Barbossa, a.k.a. Geoffrey Rush, to star in the third Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

For those of you that didn’t know and have just crawled out of your hole there are plans to film second and third Pirates of the Caribbean films back-to-back, a-la the Matrix sequels. As casting for the second film seems to be just about set Bruckheimer commented to about the third film and Rush’s involvement along with a little doubt about Keith Richards playing Captain Jack Sparrow’s father.

“That’s if there is a third one,” Bruckheimer said. “We’re hoping to start shooting [the second and third movies] in March, but we’re waiting for a very big check from Disney.” Bruckheimer also said talk of Keith Richards playing Johnny Depp‘s father is premature.

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