Johansson is Trigger Happy

Even though the status of Mission: Impossible 3 has been a bumpy ride as it at one time seemed to be just about to go into production only to be pushed to the back burner so Tom Cruise and Steven Spielberg could fast track their alien remake of War of the Worlds, but that isn’t stopping Scarlett Johansson from prepping for th role. is reporting that Miss Johansson is already undergoing weapons training for her role in the film even though principal photography isn’t expected to begin until September ’05 for a 2006 release date.

The actress was quoted as saying, “It’s been postponed ’til September while it’s rewritten. But I’m doing weapons training for it! Just pulling the trigger is easy enough, but when you’re loading your magazine and you have a machine gun and a handgun and a shotgun, and you’re trying to figure out how to use them all.”

Mission: Impossible 3 does not have an official release date set, but is currently expected to have a summer 2006 debut.

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