When Will Michael Moore Just Shut Up?

Over at Variety Army Archerd has a column that normally doesn’t catch my attention, but today he brought up some news that I really couldn’t believe. Apparently docu-filmmaker Michael Moore was so impressed by his effort with Fahrenheit 9/11 that not only does he think it is worth of a Best Picture nom in this year’s Oscar race, he is readying Fahrenheit 9/11 ½ to have ready in two to three years.

Apparently Moore felt too many Americans just weren’t well enough informed during this year’s election… I guess his movie wasn’t promoted well enough, or just maybe the only people that really were effected by his film were the people that were ALREADY ON HIS SIDE! Moore needs to learn that the American public doesn’t like to be force fed information, especially if the public you are talking about are those with highly emotional opinions, and when you make a movie that aims more at making fun of the current President than just telling the facts you aren’t going to sway too many people.

Moore tells Variety, “We want to document and commercialize it. Fifty-one percent of the American people lacked information (in this election) and we want to educate and enlighten them. They weren’t told the truth. We’re communicators and it’s up to us to start doing it now. The official mourning period is over today and there is a silver lining — George W. Bush is prohibited by law from running again.”

Yup, at least Moore knows the rules of the presidency… Bush can’t run again, so what is your beef going to be in 2008 Mr. Moore?

The Variety article also broaches the subject of Hollywood’s interference/involvement in politics lately and Moore wasn’t shy about saying, “America loves Hollywood. When given a chance to vote for someone from Hollywood, they jump in.”

I can’t say I totally disagree with him here considering the popularity of the late Ronald Reagan and the recent success Ah-nold has had down in Cali. Moore also has his eye on a Hollywood candidate for the presidential race, “Who is the Democrats’ Arnold? We have a number of them. What American wouldn’t vote for Tom Hanks? Hollywood is full of people like that.”

Listening to Michael Moore is like listening to an egotistical gas bag, and it shames me that I share the same opinion as he does, but what can I do?

As for 9/11‘s campaign for Best Picture Moore tells Variety that it is full-steam ahead, but he does admit that he is not quite sure if Hollywood is ready for another acceptance speech from him considering his rant a couple years ago when Bowling for Columbine took the Oscar for Best Documentary, plus he adds, “Since my wife (Kathleen) was the producer, if I win — she speaks!”.

We will just have to wait and see what more Moore has to offer, until then head on over to Variety to check out the rest of the article by clicking here.

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