UPDATED: ‘Episode III’ Teaser, Worth the Hype? Plus Description!

I was hoping, and hoping, and crossing my fingers that at the press screening for The Incredibles I would also get an early look at the Star Wars Episode III teaser trailer, and my wish was granted.

While there are plenty of teaser trailer descriptions around the Net to spoil the fun for you, let me just say one thing. About midway through the trailer you hear Sidious say, “Lord Vader,” and then the dark lord’s answer, “Yes?”

“Rise,” is what follows and then you move into the meat of the teaser giving you plenty of looks at the Revenge of the Sith world.

This final film is going to be a dark one, and if Hayden’s menacing look in the trailer is any indication, he just may be the man for the job.

Either way Star Wars super-fans are going to want to see this one in the theater, after all who knows when the next trailer will rise?

As for The Incredibles… you will just have to wait until Friday for that review.

The Episode III teaser debuts in theaters along with The Incredibles on Novemeber 5th but AOL and StarWars.com members will get to preview the trailer online on November 4th. As for those that miss all three of these options the trailer will be made public on November 8th, so stay tuned here if you wish to wait.


For those interested in descriptions, Gareth from SKNR.net just sent in his description of the teaser from the same screening I went to. By the way DON’T read this if you don’t want to know what happens.

Just saw the new trailer with the press screener of The Incredibles tonight. Some may take it as spoilers, but here is how it goes.

It starts with the familiar Fox and Lucasfilm logo and the classic “A Long Time Ago”. You then see Luke looking out at the twin suns as he did in “A New Hope”, Obi Wan then voices the The Jedi were the guardians lines as we cut to scenes of Qui Gon and Obi Wan, then we get the lines about Vader betraying the Jedi, Shots of the clones loading onto the ships from Episode II this leads to a shot of a robed Anakin turning so we can see inside the hood. He has bright glowing eyes, and a deadly stare.

The first shot of Episode III is of an eruption on Mustafar. It is a volcanic, barren hellhole, burnt rocks and volcanoes line the landscape and we see what looks like mechanical spiders with riders atop of them crossing the field.

What follows comes fast so I will give it to you but in no particular order as it is hard to keep straight how it all came.

You do hear Palpatine say arise Lord Vader and they show him strapped to table that is leaning forward and surrounded with steam.

As he rises they cut to scenes and then back to him rising. You seen Anakin and Padme, the new Jedi Fighters in action, a Breathtaking shot of the capitol ship battle the opens the film. You see lots of Wookies, Tie Medran (Spelling), C-3PO, R2, in the Tantive IV hall. There is a great scene of Yoda coming in looking very upset and drawing his saber then one later of him chopping. (This is the Palpatine Confrontation)

Mace in a pitched battle, a very quick shot of the dual, more shots of Padme, and a great one of a evil grin in a hooded Robe which I took as Palpy. It flies very fast and furious and it is hard to take it all in as the next sequence is being shown while you are still trying to take it all in. It is visually very stunning. Either technology has taken a huge leap since the last film or Lucas has been holding back as this is amazing. There are no shots of Grievous, His Henchman, or Dooku nut what is shown looks great. There was silence when it ended and someone let a “wow” out and a steady murmur followed as people took in what they have seen. If you have questions drop me a line. I filled this in as best as I can remember as I promised to get it to you the moment I got back from the screener.

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