Paramount Focuses on WAR Over MISSION

After all that great casting news we have been receiving all year it seems the directorial issues that have stalled the production of Mission: Impossible 3 have forced Paramount Pictures to make a summer tentpole switch as Mission: Impossible 3 will no longer be the summer attraction. Instead it looks like Steven Spielberg‘s remake of War of the Worlds is taking precedence as filming is set to begin in November for a 2005 release date.

Speculation surrounding the Worlds pic was buzzing as recent as yesterday after talk of Spielberg’s untitled Munich project seemed to be getting the fast track leaving wonder for when the Worlds remake would able to be fit in. Fortunately, for Tom Cruise fans the delay of Mission: Impossible 3 is not going to delay the Collateral star’s screen time as he is tapped to star in the Worlds remake.

Spielberg’s modern-day adaptation of the H.G. Wells classic about a Martian invasion of Earth does not have an official release date, plus Cruise has not abandoned M:I 3, it will shoot next summer with J.J. Abrams, creator of the TV series “Felicity” and “Alias,” attached to direct the huge cast including Ving Rhames, Carrie-Anne Moss, Kenneth Branagh and Scarlett Johansson.

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