CHRIST Celebrates Box Office PASSION

The box-office estimates are in and The Passion of the Christ has managed to break all February records with an estimated $76.2 million over the weekend and $117.5 for the week since its Wednesday debut.

What does Passion‘s success mean for all the other flicks in theaters now? Well, 50 First Dates stayed consistent and finished in second with $12.6 mil and Ashley Judd’s Twisted came in at third with $9.1 mil.

It has got to be quite satisfying for theater owners to enjoy the success Passion has exhibited since last week saw one of the biggest groups of box-office duds with the debuts of Eurotrip, Welcome to Mooseport and Against the Ropes. Ropes had a short-lived stay on the box-office top ten as last weekend it came in at number eight and this weekend it has fallen off the charts.

This weekend also grants us the end of The Butterfly Effect‘s stay in the top 10 and that also goes for Return of the King, but remember these are just estimates and LOTR is just on the fringe at number 11 currently with $2.1 mil so maybe someone was a little dishonest in their guess.

Nevertheless, check here for the entire top ten and check back for the box-office final numbers Monday afternoon.

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