Celebrity Jeopardy Today March 12 2025 Final Clue Mina Kimes Omar J Dorsey Fortune Feimster
[Image Credit: Celebrity Jeopardy | Disney | Christopher Willard]

Celebrity Jeopardy Final Clue for March 12, 2025 – Mina Kimes, Omar J. Dorsey & Fortune Feimster

Below is the final clue for Celebrity Jeopardy for March 12, 2025. Actor Sean Gunn was the victor in last week’s episode, and this week will be the last quarterfinals before the semifinals begins on March 19. Today’s celebrities are actor Omar J. Dorsey playing for the DeKalb School of the Arts Foundation, writer and actress Fortune Feimster playing for MANNA FoodBank, and ESPN NFL analyst Mina Kimes playing for SELAH Neighborhood Homeless Coalition. Here is the final question and answer for Celebrity Jeopardy on 3/12/2025, as well as the wagers and winner of the episode.

Celebrity Jeopardy for March 12 – Final Jeopardy Clue

The Final Jeopardy clue for Celebrity Jeopardy on March 12, 2025 is in the category of “Historic Speeches” and has the following clue:

Other than the words in its title, this 3-word imperative is the most oft-repeated phrase in MLK’s “I Have A Dream” speech

To make sure the answer isn’t spoiled immediately, the correct response to this clue can be found at the bottom of this guide.

Celebrity Jeopardy for March 12 – Final Jeopardy Wages & Winner

With a runaway victory, Mina won the March 12 Celebrity Jeopardy match without needing to bet at all during Final Jeopardy.

Mina collected $19,400 by the end of Triple Jeopardy and could not be caught. So though she didn’t really have answer for Final Jeopardy, she still came away with the win.

Omar had $8,800 but guessed wrong with “self-evident.” He lost $6,000 and ended up in second place with $2,800.

Fortune wasn’t too far behind him with $7,100. She also guessed incorrectly with “crushing” and lost $5,000, landing in third with $2,100.

Celebrity Jeopardy for March 12 – Final Jeopardy Answer

The correct answer for Celebrity Final Jeopardy for March 12, 2025 is “What is ‘let freedom ring’?”

Looking at the full transcript for Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream” speech, “let freedom ring” is spoken 10 times. The first time it is said is in the quote: “Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim’s pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring.”

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