Dutton Family Tree in Yellowstone
Photo Credit: @paramountplus / YouTube

Dutton Family Tree in Yellowstone, 1923 & 1883 Explained

The Yellowstone universe has grown into a sprawling saga, meticulously tracing the Dutton family tree across generations. From the original series to its prequels, 1923 and 1883, the Dutton family legacy continues to unfold, becoming as complex as the battles they fight to protect their land. Moreover, with multiple timelines and a cast of characters sharing similar names, it’s easy to get lost in the ever-expanding Dutton dynasty.

Here’s a clear breakdown of the Yellowstone Dutton family tree.

List of every Dutton family member in Yellowstone, 1923 and 1883

The story of the Duttons begins in 1883, where viewers are introduced to the first generation of the family as they journey westward to build a new life.

  1. James Dillard Dutton (Tim McGraw)

    The patriarch of the first-generation Duttons, James, moves his family to Montana and establishes the Yellowstone Ranch. He is John Dutton’s great-great-grandfather.

  2. Margaret Dutton (Faith Hill)

    James’ wife, a strong-willed woman who supports her family throughout their journey. She is John Dutton’s great-great-grandmother.

  3. Elsa Dutton (Isabel May)

    The daughter of James and Margaret. Her tragic death significantly influences where the Duttons ultimately settle.

  4. John Dutton Sr. (Audie Rick as a child, Jack Michael Doke as an adult)

    The eldest surviving son of James and Margaret. He is John Dutton’s great-grandfather.

  5. Spencer Dutton (Brandon Sklenar)

    The younger son of James and Margaret, introduced in 1923. He is John Dutton’s great-uncle.

  6. Claire Dutton (Dawn Olivieri)

    James’ widowed sister, who is bitter and controlling. She does not survive long.

  7. Mary Abel Dutton (Emma Malouff)

    Claire’s daughter, who meets a tragic fate early in 1883.

As the years pass, the Dutton family faces new challenges while fighting to protect their land and legacy.

  1. Jacob Dutton (Harrison Ford)

    James’ brother, who takes over the ranch after James’ death. He is John Dutton’s great-great-uncle.

  2. Cara Dutton (Helen Mirren)

    Jacob’s wife, a resilient and determined woman who helps manage the ranch.

  3. John Dutton Sr. (James Badge Dale)

    The adult version of James’ son, playing a key role in protecting the Yellowstone Ranch.

  4. Emma Dutton (Marley Shelton)

    John Sr.’s wife and the mother of Jack Dutton.

  5. Jack Dutton (Darren Mann)

    The son of John Sr. and the nephew of Spencer. He is John Dutton’s grandfather.

This multi-generational saga not only explores the struggles, sacrifices, and triumphs of the Dutton family but also highlights their unwavering determination as they build their legacy in the untamed American West. Furthermore, as the story unfolds, it reveals the deep connections, fierce rivalries, and enduring challenges that shape their journey.

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