The Princess and the Frog’s Anika Noni Rose on Canceled Tiana Show: ‘Deeply Disappointed’
Photo Credit: Disney

The Princess and the Frog’s Anika Noni Rose on Canceled Tiana Show: ‘Deeply Disappointed’

The Princess and the Frog star Anika Noni Rose has commented on the recent cancelation of the Disney+ Tiana series.

In December 2020, Disney announced that it was developing a long-form television series based on the 2009 animated movie The Princess and the Frog. Titled Tiana, the show would have seen Rose reprise her vocal role as the titular princess.

It was announced earlier this month, however, that Disney had pulled the plug on the show as the studio is abandoning “making original longform content for streaming,” per The Hollywood Reporter. At the same time, it was announced that Walt Disney Animation Studios is now in early development on a “separate short-form special inspired by The Princess and the Frog.”

What did Anika Noni Rose say about the canceled The Princess and the Frog show?

“Last week, an announcement was made regarding the cancellation of the series, Tiana,” Rose wrote on Instagram. “I’ve been getting loads of messages expressing kindness, support, and overwhelming disappointment. I’ve also been asked by different outlets to make a statement, but I’d rather talk to you directly.

“I too am deeply disappointed that the continuation of Tiana’s journey in series form has been cut short. The series was a long time coming, and a lot of beautiful work was put into it by all of the creatives including, inclduing – but not limited to – long time chapmion Jenn Lee, our wonderful writer/director Joyce Sherri, some fabulous animators, and an amazing music team.

“As hurtful as it is for anything you’ve put your heart and soul in to to be prematurely ended, my hope is that when what is now to be a ‘Tiana Special Event’ airs, that all of you beautfiul, loving, loyal fans who’ve been championing not just the series, but a Princess and The Frog sequel, tune in. And when I say tune in, I mean, tell your friends, family, coworkers, baby sitters; tell all the people you kno wwho have loved Princess Tiana, Naveen, Louis, Charlotte, Mama Odie, and the magic they’ve created together over the years, and make sure you are watching. Show your love and your desire in the numbers. Make that desire an undeniable and real thing.

“Until then, we will be continuing to work hard to bring you the most beautiful content we can.

“I think you all from the bottom of my heart for the love you have shown, for every #TianaTuesday, for every #Disneybound, for every one of you who has lifted my heart in this space over the years, and made it possible for Princess Tiana to still be such a vibrant, impactful presence.”

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