Days of Our Lives Spoilers: What's up With Alex & Stephanie?
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Days of Our Lives Spoilers: What’s up With Alex & Stephanie?

Alex and Stephanie‘s strong relationship might get tested when the latter discovers Joy’s pregnancy test in Days of Our Lives. Before being with Stephanie, Alex had been dating Joy. The two were quite close. However, their relationship strained as Joy became suspicious of Alex’s feelings. She eventually also caught him cheating with Stephanie.

The latest development sees Stephanie overhearing about Joy being pregnant, possibly doubting Alex, which could affect their bond. Here are DOOL spoilers for the upcoming episode.

How is Joy’s pregnancy affecting Alex and Stephanie’s relationship?

Alex and Stephanie’s bond had been going strong, but now there’s a chance of tension between them. This is because Stephanie has overheard Joy’s conversation about pregnancy with Sarah. This happens when a worried Joy visits the hospital. She reveals to Sarah that she has missed this month’s menstrual cycle.

Sarah asks her to take a pregnancy test to know if there are any possible chances of her being pregnant. Joy anxiously awaits as Sarah orders a pregnancy test, saying, “Wesley Joy.” Stephanie overhears this particular exchange between Joy and Sarah. She gets extremely shocked after she arrives at the hospital.

As Stephanie’s tense behavior becomes evident, Alex asks her if it has something to do with her working relationship with Joy at Titan. While she appears convincing and reveals everything is fine, Alex remains suspicious. Later, Kayla calls Stephanie, urging her not to reveal Joy’s pregnancy to Alex. At this particular moment, Alex eavesdrops on Stephanie and Kayla’s conversation. He entirely misinterprets it.

He only hears the sentence, “Alex can’t know about the pregnancy test yet.” If Stephanie remains quiet about Kayla’s conversation, Alex’s misunderstanding will likely grow. He might think of the worst-case scenario: his beau might be pregnant with Phillip’s kid. This might cause trouble in their bond. At the end of the day, Stephanie is forced to reveal Joy’s pregnancy. This would further intensify problems in their relationship.

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