Final Jeopardy Today February 11 2025 Clue Question Answer Wages Winner
[Image Credit: ABC / Jeopardy]

Final Jeopardy Today February 11, 2025 – Question, Answer, Wages & Winner

Here you’ll see the Final Jeopardy clue for Tuesday, February 11, 2025. After the match on Monday, Neilesh Vinjamuri almost had a runaway victory but came through with a correct Final Jeopardy clue. This ties him with Adriana Harmeyer for one victory apiece in the Jeopardy Tournament of Champions. Isaac Hirsch has put up a good fight so far as well, so we’ll see if he can manage to score a win of his own. Here is the question and answer for Final Jeopardy on 2/11/2025, plus the wagers and the winner of the episode.

Final Jeopardy Question for February 11

The Final Jeopardy question for February 11, 2025 is in the category of “Contemporary Authors” and has the following clue:

Asked by a student about the Loch Ness Monster, she said a time portal below could allow a prehistoric creature to pass through

To give you some time to work out the right answer, it has been placed at the bottom of this guide.

Final Jeopardy Wagers and Winner for February 11

Neilesh was once again the winner, scoring his second win after the February 11 match. A true Daily Double helped to catapult him to a runaway victory, meaning that he won despite not knowing the right answer to Final Jeopardy.

With $30,000, Neilesh had barely enough for the runaway lead. He thus didn’t need to risk anything with his guess of “Unsure” and got two wins.

Adriana was close to threatening Neilesh, but she only had $14,000 after the second round. While she got the right answer, she didn’t risk anything either and remained in second place.

Isaac only had $1,600 and lost $300 with his answer of “The Outlander Lady,” which was sadly not precise enough to be correct. He left in third place with $1,300.

Final Jeopardy Answer for February 11

The correct answer for Final Jeopardy on February 11, 2025 is “Who is Diana Gabaldon?”

ComingSoon fans might know the answer to this, as Diana Gabaldon is the author of the Outlander book series, which has been successfully adapted into the “Outlander” Starz series. The series stars Claire Beauchamp, a nurse from World War II, who travels through time and has a romantic affair with Jamie Fraser. In a letter to a student about how the Loch Ness Monster got to where it was, she replied, “All you need is a time-portal under Loch Ness, which would occasionally allow a prehistoric creature to pass through it.”

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