Sabrina Soto has announced that she’s engaged. The 49-year-old interior designer shared the happy update on Instagram. Soto posted a photo on the platform with her fiancé along with a heartfelt caption. However, the star interior designer did not reveal the identity of her fiancé. Now, many fans are more curious to know about the engagement.
In this article, we will delve into the details of Sabrina Soto’s engagement to her fiancé.
Sabrina Soto announces engagement on her Instagram
Sabrina Soto, widely recognized for her work on shows like Secret Celebrity Renovation and Trading Spaces, has announced that she is engaged on January 27, through an Instagram post. Alongside a sweet photo with her fiancé, whose identity she chose to keep private, Soto wrote, “The most unexpected surprise of my life. Forever starts now.”
The announcement drew an outpouring of support from fans and celebrity friends. Bobby Berk, Taniya Nayak, and Vern Yip were among the many who shared their congratulations in the comment section.
Soto had hinted at a new romance in the summer of 2024, posting an Instagram photo dump. Reflecting on the year she wrote, “This year was just full of friendship, great conversation, soul and family. I don’t want to be cliché and say live, laugh, love….. but I just did.”
The engagement comes after a period of change for Soto. She was previously engaged to chef Dean Sheremet in December 2021, but the two parted ways in 2022. At the time, Soto shared her decision on Instagram. She wrote, “I decided to end the engagement and I’ve never been more proud of myself. Sending love to anyone navigating through a life transition” (via People).
Soto also has a daughter named Olivia Gray from her previous relationship with Steve Grevemberg.