American Primeval recently launched on Netflix, and fans who have seen the western drama have been wondering whether it is based on a true story or real events. Created by Mark L. Smith, whose credits include The Revenant and Twisters, the story follows a mother-son duo who deal with the harsh landscape and atmosphere of the American West after being caught in a violent struggle involving the Mormon religion.
Curious about American Primeval’s basis? Wondering if it’s a true story and if the events depicted are real? Here are all your questions answered.
Is Netflix’s American Primeval based on a true story?
American Primeval is based on a true story and inspired by real events. The series is set against the backdrop of the Utah War, which spanned a year between 1857 and 1858.
The Mountain Meadows Massacre of 1857, which was adapted into the series, is a real event. It was this event that had inspired by producer Pete Berg to create the series. “I read an article on something called the Mountain Meadows Massacre,” he told Netflix Tudum. “[It] was something that interested me, and I started doing a lot of research on it.
Moreover, Fort Bridger, which is depicted in the series, is also a real place and a historical site. Fort Bridger played a prominent role in the Utah War, where Mormon leaders burned it.
Several characters in the series are also based on real people. They are:
- Jim Bridger
- Brigham Young
- Wild Bill Hickman
- Winter Bird
- James Wolsey
Jim Bridger had previously appeared in The Revenant as a young boy, played by Will Poulter.
Which characters in American Primeval are not based on real people?
The main cast of American Primeval is not based on real people and are fictional. They are:
- Sara Rowell
- Devin Rowell
- Isaac Reed
- Two Moons
Abish is also a fictional character. However, her storyline is based on real-life experiences of women who native tribes in Utah had abducted.