The Oldest Living Graduate is a comedy-drama film directed by Jack Hofsiss and written by Preston Jones. The film revolves around Floyd, a young man who arranges a grand celebration to please his father. However, it ends up creating further tension and complications in their already strained relationship.
Here’s how you can watch and stream The Oldest Living Graduate via streaming services such as Amazon Prime Video.
Is The Oldest Living Graduate available to watch via streaming?
Yes, The Oldest Living Graduate is available to watch via streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
Colonel J.C. Kincaid’s son Floyd plans a big celebration to honor him as the oldest living graduate. By doing so, Floyd hopes to win his father’s approval and gain access to the Colonel’s vast land holdings. However, the festivities only further strain their relationship.
The cast members of The Oldest Living Graduate include Henry Fonda as Colonel J.C. Kincaid, George Grizzard as Floyd Kincaid, Timothy Hutton as Cadet, Cloris Leachman as Maureen Kincaid, and more.
Watch The Oldest Living Graduate streaming via Amazon Prime Video
The Oldest Living Graduate is available to watch on Amazon Prime Video.
Amazon Prime Video is one of the popular streaming services that offers access to entertainment options across different genres, including comedies, dramas, thrillers, action, and more.
You can watch via Amazon Prime Video by following these steps:
- Go to Amazon Prime Video
- Select ‘Sign in’ and ‘Create your Amazon account’
- Sign up for a Prime Video membership:
- $14.99 per month or $139 per year with an Amazon Prime membership
- $8.99 per month for a standalone Prime Video membership
Amazon Prime is the online retailer’s paid service that provides fast shipping and exclusive sales on products, so the membership that includes both this service and Prime Video is the company’s most popular offering. However, you can also opt to subscribe to Prime Video separately.
The Oldest Living Graduate synopsis is as follows:
“Henry Fonda stars as Col. J. C. Kincaid, the crusty patriarch of a Texas family. Kincaid’s weak-willed son Floyd (George Grizzard) wants to get into the old man’s good graces so that he can develop the Colonel’s vast land-owning. Floyd arranges a city-wide celebration lauding Kincaid as the oldest living graduate of a nearby military academy. The festivities serve only to make the already sour Kincaid even more truculent and miserable. Adapted from Preston Jones’ 1974 play and originally telecast live from Dallas’ Southern Methodist University on April 7, 1980.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.