The Summer We Lived, also known as El verano que vivimos, is a romantic drama film that originally premiered on September 20, 2020. The story follows Isabel, a student of journalism who moves to Pontevedra for her job. There, she finds a mysterious obituary dedicated to Lucia and decides to investigate further. Carlos Sedes is the director of the movie.
Here’s how you can watch and stream The Summer We Lived via streaming services such as HBO Max.
Is The Summer We Lived available to watch via streaming?
Yes, The Summer We Lived is available to watch via streaming on HBO Max.
After receiving a mysterious obituary about a woman named Lucía, Isabel decides to investigate further into the life and death of the former. Through her investigation, she uncovers a love triangle that took place in the summer of 1958. It involved Gonzalo, an architect tasked with constructing a winery, Hernán, the person who ordered the project, and Lucía, Hernán’s fiancée.
The cast members include Javier Rey as Gonzalo, Blanca Suárez as Lucía, Pablo Molinero as Hernán, and more.
Watch The Summer We Lived streaming via HBO Max
The Summer We Lived is available to watch on HBO Max.
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The Summer We Lived synopsis is as follows:
“Year 1998. Isabel, a journalism student, is forced to do her internship in the newspaper of a small Galician coastal town in order to finish her degree. When she arrives, she wants to start investigating as soon as possible, to demonstrate everything she has learned in order to become a real journalist. But the position she is assigned is the last one she expected: the writing and management of the obituaries that reach the newsroom. But this, which might seem boring at first, becomes the door to an investigation that will take her through different parts of the Spanish geography in search of an impossible love story.”
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