Thelma (2024) is an action-comedy film directed by Josh Margolin. The film combines humor and heartwarming moments while showcasing the resilience and agency of its elderly protagonist. Needless to say, the trailer has peaked everyone’s excitement for the movie.
Here’s everything you need to know.
Release date — When is Thelma (2024) coming out?
Thelma (2024) ‘ release date is June 21, 2024.
The movie premiered earlier this year at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival on January 18. This film marks the first starring role for June Squibb, who plays a 93-year-old woman.
Trailer — Watch it now
You can watch the Thelma (2024) trailer below:
The film trailer features Thelma Post, a 93-year-old grandmother embarks on a mission to recover her money after falling victim to a phone scam. Accompanied by an aging friend and his motorized scooter, Thelma navigates through Los Angeles and faces various challenges with determination. The movie combines action and comedy, showcasing the resilience of its elderly protagonist. The film promises to deliver a refreshing, heartwarming portrayal of aging with agency and humour.
Cast — Who is in Thelma (2024) ?
Thelma (2024) ‘ cast includes:
- June Squibb as Thelma Post
- Richard Roundtree as Thelma’s aging friend
- Parker Posey as Gail (Thelma’s daughter)
- Clark Gregg as Alan (Thelma’s son-in-law)
- Fred Hechinger as Thelma’s grandson (phone scammer)
- Nicole Byer
- Malcolm McDowell
Plot – What’s the story about?
This American comedy film draws inspiration from the director’s grandmother’s real-life experiences. The character of Thelma explores themes of resilience and empowerment, showcasing how, even at an advanced age, a person can take on challenging adventures to right a wrong.
Thelma Post is a 93-year-old lady who got scammed on the phone. She thought the scammer was her grandson and gave him lots of money. To get her money back, Thelma goes on a risky adventure across the city with her friend. Her family, including her grandson, daughter, and son-in-law, are worried and follow her closely as she faces different challenges to get her money back.