Developed by Studio Zero-G, Mysterious Disappearances is a supernatural comedy drama anime TV show. It’s an adaptation of the namesake manga series by Nujima. The plot revolves around Sumireko Ogawa, a bookstore clerk and aspiring writer, as she investigates the weird and unusual events happening in her city with the help of her colleague, Ren Adashino. The first season premiered in Japan on April 10, 2024. If you want to know whether there will be a Season 2 of Mysterious Disappearances, this is what we have found out.
Here’s all the Mysterious Disappearances Season 2 release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a Mysterious Disappearances Season 2 release date?
Mysterious Disappearances Season 2 does not have an official release date, but it will likely be announced in the future.
As of April 2024, Zero-G has not renewed Mysterious Disappearances for the sophomore season. The intermediate periods between seasons of anime shows can last several years, and Mysterious Disappearances premiered less than a week ago. Nujima’s manga has seven volumes and is currently ongoing. Even if the anime catches up to the source material by the end of season 1, a second season can potentially happen in the future. Ultimately, it all comes down to how the first season performs with audiences in Japan and beyond.
The voice cast of Mysterious Disappearances includes Fairouz Ai as Sumireko Ogawa and Daiki Yamashita as Ren Adashino. The voice cast also features Eri Yukimura as Oto Adashino and Yui Horie as Manami Uname.
Where is Mysterious Disappearances Season 2 coming out?
Mysterious Disappearances Season 2 could come out in Japan on AT-X and other networks and in the United States on Crunchyroll.
This is because the first season of Mysterious Disappearances debuted on the same platforms.
ComingSoon will provide an update if and when Zero-G announces the sophomore season.
The official synopsis for Mysterious Disappearances reads:
“Sumireko Ogawa’s dream of becoming a novelist is reinvigorated with new rumors of mystical incidents. Now a clerk at a bookstore, she enlists her young coworker, Ren Adashino, to investigate urban legends, black magic, and ghost stories across the city. Sumireko has a knack for triggering magical events, and Ren has a dark secret of his own. Will they survive their investigation unscathed?”