Based on a series of web novels, Qi Refining for 3000 Years is an animated series from China. The plot revolves around Bai Qiuran, the talented student of Qingming. He spends 3,000 years in the pursuit of immortality with much success until a surprising turn of events. Season 1 debuted on October 7, 2022. If you are wondering about Qi Refining for 3000 Years Season 2 Release Date, this is everything we have found.
Here’s all the Qi Refining for 3000 Years Season 2 release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a Qi Refining for 3000 Years Season 2 release date?
Qi Refining for 3000 Years Season 2 does not have an official release date, but it might be announced in the future.
It has been well over a year since the inaugural season came out, and not much information is available on the sophomore season of the show. According to multiple sources, the original web novel series has several volumes and the first season only adapts some of them. So, there is enough story material for the second season.
The intermediate periods between seasons of Eastern animation shows are often significant. This is because developing animated content takes time. Moreover, the producers of such projects don’t need to worry about the changing physical appearances of the cast members due to aging. Because of this, the fans can hope that season 2 will come out sometime in the future.
Some members of the voice cast of Qi Refining for 3000 Years are Xu Xiang, Yu Dong, Liu Fei, and Liu Zhaokun.
Where is Qi Refining for 3000 Years Season 2 coming out?
Qi Refining for 3000 Years Season 2 could come out on Bilibili and Netflix.
This is because the first season premiered on those same platforms. ComingSoon will provide an update if and when there is an official announcement from Bilibili or Netflix about the sophomore season.
The official synopsis for Qi Refining for 3000 Years reads:
“Bai Qiuran is one of Qingming’s disciples and has a lot of potential to be his successor. Even though he’s still a Qi cultivator, he believes he will finally make his breakthrough this time. As such, Bai Qiuran decides to go down the mountain where exciting experiences await him.”