Based on the light novel series written by Buncololi and illustrated by Kantoku, Sasaki and Peeps is an isekai fantasy comedy anime TV show that revolves around Sasaki, an overworked, disillusioned salaryman, who brings a pet bird home, only to discover that the bird is actually from another world. The bird, Peeps, grants Sasaki the power to traverse back and forth between the two worlds. Season 1 premiered in Japan on January 5, 2024. If you are wondering whether there will be a second season of Sasaki and Peeps, this is what we have discovered.
Here’s all the Sasaki and Peeps Season 2 release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a Sasaki and Peeps Season 2 release date?
Sasaki and Peeps Season 2 does not have an official release date, but it will likely be announced in the future.
As of late January 2024, Sasaki and Peeps hasn’t been greenlit for season 2. This is expected as season 1 is currently ongoing, and the producers will likely assess how it performs and is received by the audience before making any decision. As a multi-media franchise, Sasaki and Peeps originated as a web novel series on the Kakuyomu and Shōsetsuka ni Narō websites before Buncololi’s work was turned into a light novel series with illustrations by Kantoku. Both the web novels and the light novels are currently ongoing, and the latter has eight volumes at present. Even if the anime covers these eight volumes in its inaugural run, there is still a chance for the sophomore season to be developed in the future.
The voice cast includes Tomokazu Sugita as Sasaki, Aoi Yūki as Peeps, Rie Takahashi as Hoshizaki-san, Akari Kitō as Otonari-san, Miyu Tomita as Elsa, Inori Minase as Magical Pink, Ryōtarō Okiayu as Akutsu, Naomi Ōzora as Shizuka Futari, and more.
Where is Sasaki and Peeps Season 2 coming out?
Sasaki and Peeps Season 2 could come out on AT-X and other networks in Japan and Crunchyroll in the US.
This is because previous seasons are available on the same platforms. ComingSoon will provide an update if and when season 2 is officially announced.
The official synopsis for Sasaki and Peeps reads:
“Sasaki is a middle-aged office worker living in Japan. Feeling drained by the vapid corporate world, he heads to the pet shop in search of a new companion. There he finds an adorable bird named Peeps and takes him home. But Sasaki quickly learns that Peeps isn’t your average bird…he’s a powerful mage from another world! Together, they embark on a magical adventure filled with swords and sorcery.”