Mom Season 8 is the ultimate addition to this American sitcom that originally aired in 2020. This time out, Bonnie organizes a slumber party with the ladies and ends up discovering problems in her life while playing games. Bonnie’s and Adam’s first anniversary turns sour when Marjorie and her new beau turn up to the occasion.
Here’s how you can watch and stream Mom Season 8 via streaming services such as Hulu.
Is Mom Season 8 available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Mom Season 8 is available to watch via streaming on Hulu.
The final chapter in the series opens with Bonnie hosting a slumber party for the ladies. As the group indulges in childhood games, they soon stumble upon adult problems of their own lives. Bonnie and Adam celebrate their first wedding anniversary with the unusual company of Marjorie and her new partner. As they start regretting their decision to do so, Jill faces a moral dilemma. Bonnie also reconnects with an old lover, Rod, which causes her to reminisce about her past. Tammy takes it upon himself to re-do the kitchen to help out Adam.
The comedy series packs a capable and diverse cast, with Allison Janney and Jaime Pressly leading the line as Bonnie and Jill, respectively. The supporting cast also includes Mimi Kennedy, Kristen Johnston, Beth Hall, William Fichtner, Will Sasso, Steve Valentine, and Rainn Wilson, among others.
Watch Mom Season 8 streaming via Hulu
Mom Season 8 is available to watch on Hulu. The subscription-based streaming service offers a wide library of movies, TV shows, and original programming, including on-demand and live TV options. Hulu is also home to popular titles like Normal People, Atlanta, How I Met Your Mother and more.
Mom Season 8 synopsis is as follows:
“An irreverent and outrageous take on true family love and dysfunction. Newly sober single mom Christy struggles to raise two children in a world full of temptations and pitfalls. Testing her sobriety is her formerly estranged mother, now back in Christy’s life and eager to share passive-aggressive insights into her daughter’s many mistakes.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.