Clone High, an American-Canadian adult animated science fiction sitcom, debuted on November 2, 2002. Co-created by Phil Lord, Christopher Miller, and Bill Lawrence, the show unfolds in a high school teeming with clones of renowned historical figures. The narrative revolves around a central cast featuring teenage versions of iconic personalities such as Abe Lincoln, Joan of Arc, Gandhi, Cleopatra, and JFK. The series, known for its unique premise and satirical humor, explores the challenges and comedic situations faced by these historical clones as they navigate the complexities of adolescence in a contemporary high school setting.
Here’s how you can watch and stream Clone High Season 1 via streaming services such as HBO Max & Paramount Plus.
Is Clone High (2002) Season 1 available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Clone High Season 1 is available to watch via streaming on HBO Max & Paramount Plus.
In the debut episode of Clone High Season 1, titled Escape to Beer Mountain: A Rope of Sand, Abe Lincoln finds himself in a desperate bid to win the affection of the beautiful and popular Cleopatra. Eager to make his move at JFK’s party, Abe faces a challenge: JFK insists he brings the beer. Simultaneously, Joan of Arc, vying for Abe’s attention, initiates a Teen Crisis Hotline to showcase her commitment to community service. Gandhi unintentionally roped into helping with the hotline, and redirects calls to his cellphone, enabling him to join the party.
The voice cast of Clone High Season 1 features a talented ensemble, including notable performers such as Will Forte, Nicole Sullivan, Christa Miller, Christopher Miller, Michael McDonald, Phil Lord, and Christopher Miller.
Watch Clone High (2002) Season 1 streaming via HBO Max
Clone High Season 1 is available to watch on HBO Max. Warner Bros Discovery’s streaming service, Max, offers a diverse range of both mainstream and underrated content, catering to a wide audience with varied preferences. The platform serves as a hub for numerous beloved franchises, encompassing iconic properties from DC Comics, such as Batman and Superman, to renowned universes like Lord of the Rings and the magical world of Harry Potter.
You can watch the movie via Max, formerly known as HBO Max, by following these steps:
- Go to
- Click ‘Sign Up Now’
- Choose your plan:
- $9.99 per month or $99.99 per year (with ads)
- $15.99 per month or $149.99 per year (ad-free)
- $19.99 per month or $199.99 per year (ultimate ad-free)
- Enter your personal information and password
- Select ‘Create Account’
Max With Ads provides the service’s streaming library at a Full HD resolution, allowing users to stream on up to two supported devices at once. Max Ad-Free removes the service’s commercials and allows streaming on two devices at once in Full HD. It also allows for 30 downloads at a time to allow users to watch content offline. On the other hand, Max Ultimate Ad-Free allows users to stream on four devices at once in a 4K Ultra HD resolution and provides Dolby Atmos audio and 100 downloads.
Watch Clone High (2002) Season 1 streaming via Paramount Plus
Clone High Season 1 is available to watch on Paramount Plus. The platform is a leading streaming service offering a plethora of shows and movies. It was launched on March 4, 2021, and hosts shows and movies such as Tulsa King and Teen Wolf, among others.
You can watch via Paramount Plus by following these steps:
- Go to
- Select ‘Try It Free’
- Choose your plan:
- $5.99 per month or $59.99 per year (Essential)
- $11.99 per month or $199.99 per year (with SHOWTIME
- Enter your personal information and create your account
The Paramount Plus Essential plan includes tens of thousands of episodes and movies, the NFL on CBS, the UEFA Champions League, 24/7 news coverage with CBS News, and limited ads.
The Paramount Plus with SHOWTIME plan includes all of the above, removes the ads except in limited circumstances, and also includes SHOWTIME originals, movies, and sports along with CBS live TV and college football. You’re also able to download shows to your mobile device.
The Clone High (2002) synopsis is as follows:
“A group of high-school teens are the products of government employees’ secret experiment. They are the genetic clones of famous historical figures who have been dug up, re-created anew. Joan of Arc, Cleopatra, JFK, Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln and more are juxtaposed as teenagers dealing with teen issues in the 20th century.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.