Deep Rising Clip

Exclusive Deep Rising Clip Previews Jason Momoa-Narrated Documentary

ComingSoon is debuting an exclusive Deep Rising clip from the Jason Momoa-narrated environmental documentary. The film is set to debut in theaters on Friday, October 27.

“5 years after Anote’s Ark, Matthieu Rytz returns with this up-to-the-minute tale of geopolitical, scientific, and corporate intrigue that exposes the machinations of a secretive organization empowered to greenlight massive extraction of metals from the deep seafloor that are deemed essential to the electric battery revolution,” reads the movie’s official synopsis. “Narrated by Jason Momoa, Deep Rising illuminates the vital relationship between the deep ocean and sustaining life on Earth.

“The documentary also follows mining startup The Metals Company, as it pursues funding, public favor, and permission from the International Seabed Authority to mine wide swaths of the Pacific Ocean floor. Rytz’s fly-on-the-wall access observes extraction companies as they co-opt scientific studies and deliver pitches to investors, proposing how the costs of industrializing our Earth’s last pristine environment can be justified to access metals they claim will benefit all of mankind. As oil conglomerates pivot investments to deep-ocean mining, Deep Rising examines humanity’s destructive pattern of extracting materials for profit and asks why we don’t choose, instead, to develop abundant resources to solve our energy problems.”

Check out the exclusive Deep Rising clip on YouTube below (watch more clips):

Who directed Deep Rising?

Deep Rising was produced and directed by Matthieu Rytz and narrated by Jason Momoa. The film includes interviews with Sandor Mulsow (PhD. Marine Geology) and Gerard Barron(CEO of The Metals Company).

The executive producers are Momoa, Sébastien and Julie Lépinard (NextWorld), Shari Sant (Code Blue Charitable Foundation), Shannon O’Leary Joy (Climate Emergency Fund), Tiffany Schauer (Our Children’s Earth Foundation), Jim Angell(Pacific Environment), Annie Roney (Q: Into the Storm), Addison Fischer, Olivia Fischer, and Dona Bertarelli.

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