Planet Earth 3 (Planet Earth III) is an upcoming nature documentary series set to air on BBC. It is the latest entry in the Planet Earth documentary franchise that also includes Planet Earth (2006), Planet Earth: The Future (2006), Saving Planet Earth (2007), Planet Earth Live (2012), Planet Earth II (2016), Earth (2007), Planet Earth Live (2010), and The Making of Planet Earth (2012). If you are curious about when Planet Earth 3 is coming out, you have come to the right place.
Here’s all the Planet Earth 3 release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a Planet Earth 3 release date?
Planet Earth 3’s release date is expected to arrive by late 2023.
In August 2023, it was officially announced that the legendary nature documentary presenter David Attenborough was returning for the third entry in the Planet Earth series and that filming had already begun on locations in Britain. It was also reported that the producers would like to release the documentary series in late 2023.
“Planet Earth wouldn’t be Planet Earth without David, so I’m delighted he is presenting the third series,” said Mike Gunton, Planet Earth III’s executive producer, about Attenborough’s inclusion. “As ever, he has brought his huge enthusiasm and wisdom, has been encouraging about our new perspective, and has, I know, really enjoyed seeing the extraordinary new wonders brought to the screen.”
The opening sequence was shot in the very place where Charles Darwin once used to go for walks and think about evolution. “It seemed the perfect place for David to introduce Planet Earth III and remind us of the wonders and the fragility of our planet,” Gunton said.
This date is an estimation based on the information we have at the time of this writing.
David Attenborough will serve as the presenter on Planet Earth 3, just like he did on the first two installments of the documentary franchise.
Where is Planet Earth 3 coming out?
Planet Earth 3 is anticipated to come out on BBC in late 2023. ComingSoon will provide an update when the official release date for the documentary series is announced.
The official synopsis for Planet Earth 3 reads:
“Discover amazing landscapes, the most amazing fights of animals on our planet, from the highest mountains to the deepest oceans, from the darkest caves to the hottest deserts with new technology.”