The Hockey Champ is a 1939 animated movie that revolves around Donald Duck, who showcases his hockey moves, which won him a trophy, to his nephews. However, his nephews have some moves of their own.
Here’s where you can watch The Hockey Champ online.
Where can you watch and stream The Hockey Champ?
You can watch and stream The Hockey Champ on Disney Plus. The film was released on April 28, 1939, and has a runtime of seven minutes.
Clarence Dash lends his voice to Donald Duck’s character. Jack King serves as the director, and Carl Barks, Jack Hannah, and Ted Osborne serve as the writers of the film.
How to watch The Hockey Champ and stream online
You will have to get a Disney Plus subscription to watch and stream The Hockey Champ and many other movies.
You can watch via Disney Plus by following these steps:
- Visit
- Select ‘Sign Up Now’
- Enter your email and password
- Select a subscription plan
- $7.99 per month (Basic)
- $13.99 per month or $139.99 per year (Premium)
- Enter your payment information
The Disney Plus Basic plan allows users to stream the service’s content with ads, while the Premium plan lets users stream with no ads and download content to supported devices. There are also a variety of bundle packages, scaling from Bundle Duo Basic, which pairs Disney Plus with Hulu for $9.99 per month, to the Disney Bundle Trio Premium for $19.99 per month, which bundles Disney Plus, Hulu, and ESPN Plus.
The official synopsis for The Hockey Champ reads:
“Donald shows his nephews the moves that won him his hockey trophy. But the boys have a few moves of their own.”