Zapped (2014) is a Disney Channel Original movie, based on the novel Boys are Dogs written by Leslie Margolis. The movie follows a teenage high-schooler Zoey Stevens, who discovers that a dog-training app has started to control the men around her. She uses the app to make her annoying step-brothers obey her every bidding. Zoey begins to take control of her life which had been disrupted by her three step-brothers after moving into her stepdad’s house. Read on to find out how you can watch Zapped online.
Here’s where you can watch Zapped online.
Where can you watch and stream Zapped?
You can watch and stream Zapped on Disney Plus.
Zapped is directed by Peter DeLuise and the screenplay is written by Matt Eddy and Billy Eddy. The movie stars Zendaya in the lead along with Chanelle Peloso, Spencer Boldman, Emilia McCarthy, Adam DiMarco, Louriza Tronco, Lucia Walters, Aleks Paunovic, William Ainscough, Jedidiah Goodacre, Connor Cowie, and Samuel Patrick Chu.
How to watch Zapped and stream online
Viewers can stream Zapped online by signing up for a Disney Plus subscription plan. The monthly basic plan with ads costs $7.99 per month, while the ad-free monthly plan is for $10.99 per month. However, please note that starting from October 12, 2023, the price for the ad-free monthly plan will be raised to $13.99 per month.
Disney Plus also offers an ad-free annual plan for $109.99. It comes with added exciting features like GroupWatch to sync stream which lets you watch with your friends and family, unlimited downloads, and more.
The official synopsis for Zapped reads:
“Zoey is a talented dancer whose organized life is rudely disrupted when she moves in with her new step-dad and three step-brothers, until she discovers a dog-training app that can get boys to obey her every command. But she soon learns that it isn’t the cure-all she had hoped for.”