Why Batman vs. Superman vs. Captain America 3 Can Never Happen

Normally, this might have been the subject of a Weekend Warrior “Battle Cry,” many of which I’ve stored up over the past few months, but it just seemed a bit more apropos for ComingSoon.net’s superhero movie site. I wrote out some of my thoughts on this hypothetical battle of superhero movies at the box office in 2016, even though I had promised myself I wouldn’t write about any superhero movies before The Amazing Spider-Man 2 came out.

Anyway, here’s what an excerpt of what I wrote for SuperHeroHype, and you can read the whole thing at the link below:

By now, it’s all that anyone is talking about when it comes to superhero movies and that’s the seemingly inevitable box office battle between Zack Snyder’s Batman vs. Superman and Marvel Studios’ Captain America 3 on May 6, 2016.

Looking at it from a practical standpoint, I’m here to tell you why this match-up not only won’t happen but it can NEVER happen, and once Marvel and Warner Bros. stop playing this odd game of chicken, wiser heads will prevail and they’ll figure out what anyone who thinks about it even for a second already knows – that it’s a bad idea.

After all, we’re talking about two movies that have generally been well-received by comic book fans. Sure, many had problems with some of the decisions made in Man of Steel by Zack Snyder and company, but I know just as many people who loved the movie, making it their favorite movie of last summer. Captain America: The Winter Soldier just opened huge and is getting rave reviews from critics and moviegoers alike, so clearly the next movie is going to be even bigger. Comparisons are already being made between the two movies as well.

We won’t get into the whole history of the latest “Marvel vs. DC” release date throw down, although for a second there, I actually believed that Marvel and DC might revive the Amalgam Universe after an April Fools’ Day joke by Brian Bendis. Certainly, all the talk about a potential May 2016 match-up between the two companies could be seen as an evil marketing promotion for the companies’ first crossover in a decade. Thankfully, it’s not happening, because bringing back Amalgam is as bad an idea as opening two superhero movies on the same weekend.

You can read the rest of my thoughts on this subject over at SuperHeroHype.

Movie News
Marvel and DC