to the day, Lucasfilm officially announced the birth of a new animated “Star Wars” series. Titled Star Wars Rebels, this new series will be set between Episodes III and IV and will feature all new characters. Now, Bleeding Cool has learned a few more details about the upcoming series.
Like the casting breakdown for the upcoming Star Wars: Episode VII, “Rebels'” primary characters will all be teenagers. The reason behind this is to give the show a skew toward younger audience members. In addition, the site says that Mark Hamill will provide a guest voice for the show in some capacity.
Star Wars Rebels takes place in a time where the Empire is securing its grip on the galaxy and hunting down the last of the Jedi Knights as a fledgling rebellion against the Empire is taking shape.
Star Wars Rebels will be produced by Lucasfilm Animation, featuring many of the key talents that made Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Fans attending Star Wars Celebration Europe will be the first to get an exclusive look at the new series. Casting will be announced at a later date.