Doctor Who in season 11

Check Out What’s In Store for Doctor Who in Season 11

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Doctor Who in season 11

Now that the world has been introduced to Jodie Whittaker (Broadchurch) as the newest incarnation of everyone’s favorite Time Lord, the BBC has released a sneak peek at the rest of Doctor Who’s eleventh season, as well as a trailer for next week’s episode. You can check out both clips below!

The first trailer, an upcoming look at the eleventh season, shows the ensemble cast roster, as well as all the guest stars, including Mark Addy (Game of Thrones), Vinette Robinson (Black Mirror) and Christ Noth (Sex and the City). All set to the iconic Doctor Who theme song.

The second is a trailer for the second episode, “The Ghost Monument,” where the Doctor welcomes her new companions to their first alien planet, before reminding them to not touch anything.

The series began broadcasting on BBC America in 2005, follows the Doctor, an alien from a race called the Time Lords whose home planet is Gallifrey, and is created by Sydney Newman (The Avengers), and Executive Produced by Russell T. Davies (Torchwood), Julie Gardner (Torchwood), Steven Moffat (Sherlock), Phil Collinson (Coronation Street), Piers Wenger (How I Live Now), Beth Willis, Brian Minchin (Wizards vs. Aliens), Caroline Skinner (Our Girl), and Mal Young (Desperate Scousewives). The first episode of Doctor Who’s eleventh season, “The Woman Who Fell To Earth,” debuted yesterday on BBC America, where it can be streamed free of charge.

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