Judge Dredd is set to make the leap to television, but not the Dredd that fans have eagerly been hoping for. IM Global, Tencent and Tang Media Partners, have partnered with UK games developer and publisher Rebellion to develop a live-action Judge Dredd TV series under the title Judge Dredd: Mega City One.
The series will be an ensemble drama that follows a team of Judges – futuristic cops invested with the power to be judge, jury, and executioner – as they encounter the myriad challenges of a world in which east-coast cities have merged into a giant megalopolis. Despite its 22nd century setting, many of the issues they encounter will have echoes of those today – from the dangers of domestic terrorism to the tensions between the ultra-rich and the disenfranchised.
“This is one of those seminal sci-fi properties that seems to only become and more relevant with age,” IM Global Television president Mark Stern said. “Not only is it a rich world with biting social commentary, but it’s also fun as hell! As a fan of the comics and both films, it’s a dream come true to be able to work with Jason and Chris in adapting this for television.”
“We’re very excited to be beginning the journey to get more of Judge Dredd’s Mega-City One on the television screen,” said Rebellion owners Jason and Chris Kingsley. “Thanks to the legions of fans who have kept up pressure on social media, and a lot of background work and enthusiasm, we aim to make a big budget production that will satisfy both our vast comics audience and the even greater general screen-watching public.”
Judge Dredd celebrates his 40th anniversary this year, having been created by John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra in the pages of 2000 AD way back in 1977. Dredd is an officer of the law in a dystopian future where he has the power of judge, jury, and executioner.
The character has previously been adapted into two feature films, the 1995 film starring Sylvester Stallone in the title role and 2012’s Dredd featuring Karl Urban. Though the most recent feature was a notable box office bomb, it has gone on to become a cult hit among fans who have often hoped for a sequel.
Judge Dredd: Mega City One
Judge Dredd: Mega City One
Judge Dredd: Mega City One
Judge Dredd: Mega City One