Sacha Baron Cohen Teases Trump-Centric Project in New Video

Sacha Baron Cohen Video Teases Trump-Centric Project

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Sacha Baron Cohen teases Trump-centric project in new video

Comedian Sacha Baron Cohen looks to be re-igniting controversy in a new video posted to his Twitter account that appears to be teasing a new project centered on Preisdent Donald Trump. Check out the Sacha Baron Cohen video below!

The post includes older footage of Trump prior to his becoming President of the United States in which he lambasts Cohen: “This third-grade character named Sacha Baron Cohen, I only wish that he would’ve been punched in the face so many times. Right now, he’d be in a hospital… Sacha Baron Cohen, go to school! Learn about being funny. You don’t know sh*t.” The video then teases that Cohen, “Is back… like you’ve never seen him before. Sacha graduates.” A logo for Trump’s sham educational program Trump University (for which the President settled a $25 million dollar class action lawsuit) is then shown.

Whether Trump University’s logo is shown simply for comedic effect for this video or is, in fact, the subject of the project is unclear. The exact nature of the project is also unknown, whether it will be a film, TV or stage project.

Cohen has a history with Trump, having duped the real estate magnate to do an on-camera interview with a ploy to pitch “Ice Cream Gloves” during a 2003 segment on Da Ali G Show. In the run up to the 2016 election, Cohen shot a sequence for The Brothers Grimsby involving then candidate Trump contracting HIV.

(Photo credit: Getty Images)

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