‘Before Sunrise’ Location Map – Celine and Jesse in Vienna

In 1995, Richard Linklater and Kim Krizan‘s screenplay for Before Sunrise came to life with Ethan Hawke playing Jesse, a young American in Europe who just happens across Celine (Julie Delpy) on a train bound for Vienna. A German couple arguing on the train gives the two enough reason to begin a conversation and now, 18 years later, it’s time to take a look back at how the couple we first met in 1995, and would meet again in 2004’s Before Sunset, got to where they are in life and on a family trip in Greece in 2013’s Before Midnight.

Below is an interactive Google Map that pinpoints all the locations from the film, accompanied by images from the film, information on some of the locations and a few clips here and there.

This is the first in a trio of maps tracing the locations in all three of the Before films. You can find the others at the following links:

By clicking on the list of moments from the film in the left-hand column the map on the right will change to preview information from each location. You’ll be met with addresses, images and in many cases clips from the film along with brief commentary on each location. Like any other time you use Google Maps, you can zoom in all the way down to street level and zoom back out. In some instances I have included a “More details” link, which will take you to a closer look at some locations to see how they appear now compared to how they appeared in the movie.

NOTE: You will need Javascript enabled in order for this feature to work and an up-to-date web browser is suggested.

SOURCES: Movie Locations, Filmaps, Cursed Poet, Surprise Tours, Duncan JD Smith (PDF)

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