Sunday Conversation: A Political Piece

Okay, I have kept the majority of my political commentary on my personal blog. That is, outside of a few jabs here and there in a sentence or two in some of my articles or in the Week in Review columns. However, when it relates to television media I think it is fair game on the main site and I am really thinking of converting RopeofSilicon from a strictly movie (and occasionally TV) site into an all encompassing site with a primary focus on movies. Primarily because there are sometimes larger issues at stake and I am personally tired of my personal blog. It’s the red-headed step-child of RopeofSilicon and even David has a lot to add (if you haven’t checked out his blog give it a snap).

What has prompted this article is the continuing support the media gives to rumor, speculation and political spin. The news media is expected to be intelligent, fair and unbiased. However, when they take speculation and political spin and report it as news, it is to say they are reporting it as fact.

The most recent case of this involving the 2008 election is the comment Barack Obama made recently:

It’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

Any intelligent person would hear/read this and understand what Obama is saying, but the wordsmiths in the Clinton Camp call it “elitist” and “out of touch”. What Clinton does is prey on words and begins to argue semantics. If we are going to do that shouldn’t we go to the source rather than take the word of his opponent? Shouldn’t we ask for clarification before pointing fingers? Especially when the the one pointing fingers is an opponent known for lying?

Wa, wa, wa, what? Lying? Hillary never lied!

Shut up you ignorant soul!

Hillary certainly lied about her trip to Bosnia. Lord knows if I had landed under sniper fire I would have remembered it. What does Hillary do? Well, she not only didn’t land under sniper fire she had the nerve to joke about it on Jay Leno. Ha, ha, ha… I lied… I’m sorry. Silly me.

The best part of it all is that people still follow her and even this douche “prays for it”. Wow, he prays for a candidate that lies and then jokes about it. Nice.

Okay, that’s one example, but what about others?

Hmmm, how about saying Obama’s healthcare plan leaves 15 million people “out in the cold“. That is speculation and a lie. Her approach to Obama’s healthcare plan is ridiculous from the start because their plans aren’t that much different. Not only that, but if Hillary actually thinks she is going to get universal healthcare in place in the next four years she is nuts. It ain’t going to happen. Baby steps. Even Obama’s plan is too aggressive, but at least it is a stepping stone to Hillary’s proposal. Basically, neither one is going to happen the way they have them drawn out.

What? You want more? Okay, but you are working me to the bone. How about her comments on NAFTA or the situation with Florida and Michigan? Is that enough?

If you are a Clinton-over-Obama supporter how many lies will it take before you actually accept she is a liar and a wordsmith? She’s a spin doctor.

Her latest complaint is to call Obama a hypocrite because he disparages against the use of negative campaigning but them moves forward and releases attack ads. This one really baffles me…

Hillary has used attack ads from the start and Obama’s ads are all in response to something Hillary’s ads say. In Hillary’s perfect world she would be able to come out and say, “Obama’s healthcare plan leaves 15 million out in the cold.” In response Obama is expected to say nothing, or to simply say, “No, that’s not true.” She gets upset if he says something like, “Hillary’s healthcare plan will mandate that if you can’t afford her healthcare plan you will be fined and then still asked to pay.” Nope, can’t say that. Best part about it is that Obama states fact and comments. He isn’t attacking in as much as he is simply saying this is the way it is.

Hillary said, “When it comes to negative campaign tactics, Senator Obama has been a hypocrite from day one, decrying attack politics from one side of his mouth while he and his campaign wage a character assassination effort from the other.” Problem is that when Obama wages “a character assassination” it’s in response to something Hillary has said, such as saying she’s under fire from snipers. Obama has a tendency to state the facts, and then react to them. Hillary doesn’t like this. She hates that she has to take Obama’s words and twist them to mean something else, because this means he is an untouchable character in this current world of politics. What use is digging a trench and fighting in the dirt if the other candidate decides to stay clean?

For Hillary it means she is down there getting dirty and has to continually try to clean herself off. Unfortunately polls are starting to show that more and more dirt is starting to stick.

Then we have the media. Good god the media. For starters we wouldn’t have all the shit I mentioned above if the media would just report the facts and get themselves out of the gutter, but when the media starts bringing shit to the surface that was never there to start with you have to begin to question why we even turn the news on in the first place:

Yeah, someone can’t scratch their face now without it being turned into a political crisis. Does anyone think Barack Obama would actually perform a subtle flip of the bird to Hillary Clinton in a speech? Do you actually think that? Would you be willing to admit to thinking something that stupid?

The best part is that Obama says in the clip how he doesn’t “blame Washington” because they like stirring up games and getting the candidates to attack each other while at the exact same time the media is doing the exact same thing and they seem oblivious to the fact. As much as I blame Hillary for making up controversy because she is more intelligent than that I also blame the media for making shit up that is not only false, but also UNIMPORTANT! ABC was at fault for doing the same thing at the most recent debate, a debate that has drawn criticism from just about every corner and Barack’s comments on it are priceless.

As for Clinton, she may be a liar, but she is also the second best presidential candidate. Between Hillary and Obama there are not a lot of differences, but Obama brings a sense of hope and change to a political landscape in desperate need of just that. And I am not only talking about change in terms of government, but in terms of politicking. Imagine if all future presidential elections focused on the issues and stayed clear of the negative. Gasp!

However, should Clinton receive the Democratic nomination over Obama I would still support her over John McCain. Sorry, but I cannot get behind McCain’s lack of economic intelligence and his support of the war. These are the two major issues right now and he is on the wrong side of the fence in my opinion, even though I also don’t think the rapid withdrawal Clinton and Obama are talking about is the best option in Iraq either. Such a thing would be close to exactly what we did when we abandoned the region following Desert Storm.

Damn, what a world we live in eh?

Uh, oh… Gotta go… Sharks are taking on the Flames! Talk about important!

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